If you’re nor familiar with the company called RED, they’re actually one of the biggest names for pioneering High-end Cinema Cameras that have the capability of recording videos in a damn high resolution & crystal crisp quality. They were the first to produce 8K Video recording capable Sensors & now they’re expanding their line up with a new 8K Full Frame sensor called the MONSTRO 8K W.
As, you’d expect this isn’t a cheap sensor. RED will charge you $79500 just for the Camera Brain equipped with the MONSTRO 8K sensor. But, the Helium 8K users will get it at a price of $29500 as an upgrade of to their current sensor. Anyway, let’s check out some of the highlighting Specifications for this monster..
RED MONSTRO 8K Specifications
- Sensor Resolution: 35.4 Megapixels
- Effective Pixels: 8192 × 4320
- Sensor Type: Full Frame, CMOS
- Sensor Size: 40.96 mm x 21.60 mm (Diagonal: 46.31 mm)
- Video: Upto 60 fps at 8K Full Format (8192 × 4320) & 75 fps at 8K 2.4:1 (8192 × 3456)
- RAW Video Recording: Upto 8K
” The complete specification chart for the Weapon can be found here “
Now, the Monstro keeps the exact same resolution of 35.4 Megapixels but, it’s significantly bigger than the RED Helium. The image below clearly shows the difference,
The MONSTRO 8K W is actually replacing the DRAGON 8K W & RED will offer the Monstro to those who have already pre-ordered the Dragon. However, new orders will start shipping on early 2018.
So, RED is definitely pushing their limits here & bringing insane quality video to the Cinema Industry. The good thing is, they keep improving their stuff but, the bad thing is, the price goes even higher everytime they release a new product. But, the thing is, they’re the only company to produce 8K video capable Camera sensors as of now, so, people in the Cinema Industry who are looking for that best of the best video quality, may consider it anyway. If you’re interested in purchasing one, you can order from RED’s Official Website.
So, what are your thoughts on the new MONSTRO 8K ? Are you hyped for this new evolving 8K technology ? Definitely let us know in the Comments section right below this article !
Source: RED