Qualcomm at MWC 2017, Shanghai today announces the next generation wearable chip, Snapdragon Wear 1200. With the Snapdragon Wear 1200 they are bringing LTE loT categories M1 (eMTC) & NB1 (NB-IoT) connectivity to the wearables industry. This new technology becomes the first to add LTE loT support on a wearable device. They claim that the new chip-set is ultra-low power with highly energy efficient supporting better battery life with cost-efficient architecture to target audiences like kid, pet, elderly, and fitness trackers.
This new Wear 1200 is the updated version of the their previous generation Snapdragon Wear 1100 chip & Snapdragon Wear 2100. Pankaj Kedia, Senior Director & Product Management at Qualcomm Technologies, Inc said “The smart wearables industry continues to grow with prolific innovation across targeted opportunities such as kids, pets, elderly, and fitness” and he further added “To effectively scale, these opportunities require ultra-low power, highly energy efficient, always connected, and cost-efficient solutions. With the introduction of Snapdragon Wear 1200, we extend our wearables offerings to bring LTE IoT categories M1 and NB1 to connect the next generation of wearable devices and provide an exciting complement to our highly successful Snapdragon 2100 platform for smartwatches.”
The purpose of introducing the Snapdragon wear 1200 was to fulfill demands of users who are looking for a smaller sized wearables that consume less battery, which has better sensing ability & also something that provides robust security. This engineering is incorporated in a 79mm2 size with a modum that supports almost 15 RF bands globally.
This chip also features in-built Linux and ThreadX based applications support that is salable to support better connectivity options. This new chip ensures that the upcoming wearables industry will become pocket friendly.
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